Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Holiday Stress and Epilepsy

Surprise! We are now in the swing of the holiday season, the most joyous time of the year, or so they say. However, this time of year of family gatherings causes stress and anxiety, if not depression for many. And for people with epilepsy, it can be a very difficult time because the normal routine of life is disrupted.

Many things can trigger seizures especially at this time of year. Some of these include:

Shopping for gifts
Wrapping and sending gifts
Preparing holiday meals
Pressures of social situations—overstimulation
Holiday lights, for photosensitive epilepsy

Some recommendations for enjoying the holidays include:

Take frequent breaks (even if you think you may be missing out on the fun, it is much better than having a major seizure in front of the entire family)
Don’t feel like you must do everything yourself; ask for help even if you think you don’t necessarily need it
Feel free to say no
Don’t sacrifice eating healthily
For people sensitive with photosensitive seizures, consider online shopping as an alternative
Take a moment for yourself—breath, meditate


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