Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year!

A happy 2015 to you all!

I just came back from Christmas holidays at my sister’s and brother-in-law’s place in the San Francisco Bay area this past week.  We had a wonderful time visiting with family and friends.  Almost every day was filled with activity. One of the highlights was that we got together three times with my cousin and his family who just moved to Palo Alto.

So now it is a new year, a fresh start.  A time for setting new goals, making resolutions. 

Here are some of mine:

  • Remember to take my medications on time every day. 

Normally, this is not a problem, but there are occasions when I do forget, such as on holidays.  One evening during the Christmas holiday, we had people over for dinner and the party went on until 10:30 pm and I didn’t realize the time.  Fortunately, it was only half an hour after my usual medication time and I did not have a breakthrough seizure. 

  • Don’t sleep too late at night.

I have a tendency to stay up late because this is when I feel most productive.  However, I should work to change my habits so I sleep earlier and therefore wake earlier the next day.

  • Exercise every day.

I walk every day, but I need to add an aerobic workout program to get in better shape.

  • Be kind and considerate to others as well as to myself. 

This means being aware of other people’s needs and feelings, while balancing them with knowing my limitations and not pushing myself to extremes. 

2015 will have its ups and downs, but I see it as a year of hope. 

May the New Year bring you much happiness and make you stronger through challenges you will face.

Hopefully, we will come closer to finding a cure for epilepsy this year. 


  1. This is a great list for anyone to consider for New Years resolutions.

  2. Thanks Melissa!

    Are there any other resolutions or goals for the coming year that anyone would like to share?
