Sunday, May 15, 2016

Epilepsy Documentary

PBS has a documentary about epilepsy, “Seized: Inside The Mystery of Epilepsy.”  It highlights the cases of a few patients and explains epilepsy.  I highly recommend it.  In my opinion, it’s about time we had more publicity and education out there.  Watch it here:

Financial and Medical Resources for Epilepsy

Phylis Feiner Johnson has posted a very useful article on her blog Epilepsy Talk about financial and medical resources for people with epilepsy, entitled "Epilepsy--Top Financial and Medical Assistance Programs." providing a list of good websites.

One that I was impressed with was the Josh Provides.  This one provides financial aid to people with epilepsy who need help paying for transportation, medications, or seizure detection devices, among other things.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


It’s been awhile since I’ve written.

Much has happened during this time.  Report—the Epilepsy Support Network of Orange County reached its goal of $140,000, from its Epilepsy Walk.  This does not count the totals from the Silent Auction and Carnival, which are still being counted.  I am proud to say that I raised $1,075 and my team raised $1,445, the most I have ever done before. This means we will be able to continue providing educational and support services to the families living with epilepsy in southern California.  We will also provide outreach to the larger community to raise awareness about and promote research for epilepsy.