Sunday, April 2, 2017

Americans with Disabilities Act—ACTION NEEDED!

Alert from the Epilepsy Foundation!  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the cornerstone legislation which protects the rights of people with disabilities, including epilepsy, is being threatened.

We need to urge our representatives in congress to oppose the bill in consideration right now, the ADA Education and Reform Act.  It would severely impact people withdisabilities by putting the burden for compliance on their shoulders rather than on businesses.  For example, a person with epilepsy starting a new job may have stress induced seizures and may require more frequent breaks than the average person.  However, his or her disability is invisible until a seizure occurs, so the employer might not grant this accommodation, thinking it is not necessary.  If the person does not press his or her case to get the breaks approved, inevitably, a seizure will happen and that person will get fired. 

That is why we need to fight against this bill.

Please go to this website and make your voice heard.

Thank you!

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